The Mandala Lady Arts Center

Inspiring and Encouraging Creativity, Curiosity, and Play Through the Art of Mandalas

Well of Wisdom Wednesday — April 17, 2024

Well of Wisdom

During Rebecca Campbell’s recent “Oracle Card Challenge” she taught us the “Well of Wisdom” 4-card spread.

Today I used this spread to gain more insight into this week’s card for us that I pulled on Sunday. It came from the “Water” Element Mandala Oracle deck, entitled: “Every Picture Tells a Story”. Its message to us was to notice the stories we tell about ourselves and about others.

Here’s how the spread looked before I revealed the cards:

Here is the reveal, along with the card titles, message, and interpretation.

First, here’s what each position means:

  1. What am I seeing?
  2. What am I NOT seeing?
  3. The possible outcome
  4. The action I’m being called to take

Cards that are in today’s spread:

  1. Aim: Decide to Act
  2. Enough: You are Enough
  3. Reach: Strive for Your Full Potential
  4. Twinkling: We are All Meant to Shine Our Light


We know we need to act however what may be holding us back is our belief that we are not good enough, that we’re not ready enough, or that WE are not enough. By recognizing and embracing our enough-ness—that we ARE enough—we can reach our full potential and thus be able to Shine our Light like ones we were meant to be.

Essentially, we are encouraged to change our story…that we _are_ good enough, we _are_ ready enough, and that we are all-ready whole and complete just as we are.

Them’s some powerful words.

Many Blessings,


The Mandala Lady