The Mandala Lady Arts Center

Inspiring and Encouraging Creativity, Curiosity, and Play Through the Art of Mandalas

Intuition Tuesday — April 16, 2024

Intuition Tuesday


Take a moment to center and ground yourself. Take a few deep, cleansing breaths. Now ponder what insight you would most like receive at this time.

Now look at these three cards from my “Earth” Element Mandala Oracle deck. Without knowing what’s on the reverse side of them, which card feels like it would provide the most helpful insight? 1., 2., or 3?

Later today, I’ll update this post with the reveal, the card messages, and the interpretations.





The card titles and their messages:

  1. Gold: Tap into and share your inner treasure
  2. Energy: Everything is energy
  3. Spawning Ground: Tap into the realm of ideas


If you picked #1 Gold, instead of looking outside of yourself, take a deeper, closer look into your own internal resources (gifts, talents, skills, and so on). There’s a good possibility that you have yet to realize your full potential. It might help to remember your childhood and what captivated your interests at that time. What did you do well that you enjoyed? How can that play out for you now? And when you unveil it, you are encouraged to share it with others in whatever form suits you best.

If you picked #2 Energy, we are reminded that everything is energy shaped into different forms. Energy is neither good nor bad…it just is. So if you’re in a situation where you perceive it as bad, rather than focus on how “bad” it is, focus on the energy of how you want it to be. For instance if you’re dealing with a challenging neighbor and you’ve tried everything to make it work on a physical level, try working on it on an energetic level (visualizations, reiki, sending positive energy, dream work, and so on). Re-write the story energetically…as if on/in the holodeck of the Star Trek Enterprise. (google it) I also find it helpful to ask of my Team of Guides and Angels: “How can I see this differently?”

If you picked #3 Spawning Ground, instead of relying on your brain or outside influences for ideas, you are being encouraged to tap into your own well of ideas. You can do this in a number of ways: meditation, dream work, journaling, stream-of-consciousness writing, listening to higher vibrational music, walks in nature, soaking in a hot tub, taking a shower, hugging your pets, and so on. The key here is that before you do any of these things, set an intention that you are open to receiving the ideas you need at this time. 

Which number did you pick? I picked #2.


Maureen, The Mandala Lady