The Mandala Lady Arts Center

Inspiring and Encouraging Creativity, Curiosity, and Play Through the Art of Mandalas

Intuition Friday — April 19, 2024

Intuition Friday


I set the intention for today’s spread to give us more insight into this week’s Card of the Week: Every Picture Tells a Story which encourages us to notice the stories we tell about ourselves and others…but mostly about ourselves.

I pulled the cards from the “Earth” Mandala Oracle deck. Which one feels like it would be most insightful for you. For me, I’m feeling pulled to #3.

Later today, I’ll edit this post, revealing the cards, their titles, messages, and interpretation. You can also follow along on my IG page.

Edited To Add:

Disclaimer: I offer these readings for entertainment and spiritual purposes.

Ok…Here’s the reveal…

The Card Titles/Messages:

  1. The Heart Wants: the heart wants what the heart desires
  2. Seeds: what seeds are you planting?
  3. Jellyfish: move through life with grace and flow, steady and slow

The Interpretations:

If you chose:

  1. The Heart Wants: Do you have a tendency to lead with your head, overthink things, or over analyze? This card encourages you to slow down, take some deep breaths, and be still. From that quiet space, connect with what your heart desires in this particular situation. If you struggle to know what your heart desires, start paying attention to what lifts you, what makes your heart sing, what sparks a bit of joy in any given moment. Whatever you notice, do more of that, follow that, see where it takes you…lead with your heart.

    And if for some reason the issue is actually the opposite, that you lead too much with your heart, then this card encourages you to also slow down, to control the impulses in order to check in with your Higher Self (Spirit, Soul), to discern your motivation: is it truly in your best interest to follow your hearts desires or is there some deeper issue that’s being ignored because of this desire. For instance if you find that you keep buying all these self-help books but you either don’t read them or if you do, you skip over putting what you learn into action. Then stop buying the books…do the work…your future self will greatly appreciate it.

  2. Seeds: At the moment it may seem like nothing is happening or things are moving slowly. Know that all along you’ve been “planting seeds” with what you’re wanting to create for yourself. Some times it takes time for everything to fall into place in order to more forward. One time we made the decision to move out of state and we thought we did everything we could to make that happen. 2.5 years later we still hadn’t moved; it felt like we were stuck. So I asked the Universe: What’s going on? That night I had a dream that essentially told me that a few more things needed to happen behind the scenes (that we had no control over) in order for us to move and that we should make the best of where we were. 2.5 years later (5yrs total), bing bang boom…everything fell into place so quickly that everyone wondered why we were moving so fast.
  3. Jellyfish: Basically we’re being told to stop being so rigid and/or structured. We need to be willing to move with the ebb and flow of our days, weeks, months. Some days it will look like we’re moving two steps forward only to have to take another step back. It’s suggested that we watch a video on jellyfish to observe how they move. They move with grace and ease, seeming to go in no particular direction, slow and steady as the spirit moves them. Let’s be inspired by their dance. Trust that we will get where we need to go .. all in due time…and in peace.

I hope you found this helpful.

Many Blessings,

The Mandala Lady

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