The Mandala Lady Arts Center

Inspiring and Encouraging Creativity, Curiosity, and Play Through the Art of Mandalas

Intuition Tuesday – April 23, 2024

Intuition Tuesday

Let your intuition pick a card. Which one feels like it has the message you need to hear today.

Later today I’ll update this post with the big reveal including messages and interpretations.


Ok…here’s the big reveal:

The card titles and their messages:

  1. Messenger: be mindful of the messages you receive and send out
  2. Behold: see beyond what is visible
  3. Symbols: pay attention to the symbols


  1. Messenger:
    Being mindful of the messages we receive means to determine where the “message” is coming from before acting on them. Are they coming from our ego self, our intuition, or from a Source beyond. I usually find that my intuitive self shares its message more as a command, as in “call your mother”, “check your email”, or “go fo a walk”. My ego self almost always starts its message with “I” or “you” as in “I want to go shopping” or “You better not do that” or “nobody wants to hear what you have to say”. When a message comes from my Team of Guides and Angels, I usually  “hear” them as a tingling sensation in my body.

    As for messages going out, we’re encouraged to be mindful of where they are coming from within us: the ego, the wounded self,  the heart, or from a higher vibrational realm.

  2. Behold:
    We are encouraged to use our intuition more than our heads. One way you can do that is to play along with my “Intuition Tuesday” or “Intuition Friday” oracle spreads here on this blog site or on my IG page.

    Also, when you’re out and about see if you can pick up on any insight beyond your five senses. Do you feel any body sensations? Do you “hear” anything that sounds like it’s coming from someplace deep within you, from someone other than yourself? Just start noticing.

  3. Symbols:
    We’re being reminded that our Teams of Guides and Angels are always around for to help us, as well as our departed loved ones. We just need to pay attention to how they show up for us.

    For instance my dad shows up as pennies, my mom is dimes, and my aunt is quarters. As for my Team, they usually show up as feathers although mostly they show up as a vibration in my body. So if I’m reading a book or watching a movie and I get goosey-bumps, I pay attention to what I just read or what was just said or done. That’s them. You can always ask for them to show you a sign that they are around…you can even tell them how you would like them to show up.

Hope that helps you in some way.

Many Blessings,

The Mandala Lady


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