This first Archangel mandala represents the Archangel who oversees the elements of our existence here on Earth: air, earth, fire, water, and consciousness.
The painting itself was done on a 48”x48” wood panel. I used acrylic paint, markers, and gel pens. Once the shape of the mandala was drawn out, I started painting it…not in my studio…but inside the Corvallis Footwise window as part of a “Artist in the Window” exhibit for the month of April. I was only supposed to be in the window for 1 week but someone didn’t show up for another section of the window, so I continued for another week.
It took seven years to complete. About 4 of those years, I was on hiatus from it…I reached a point where I was nervous about moving forward on it for fear I would ruin it because up until then it was looking good.
Then in 2022 I got the nudge that it’s time to finish it…which I did on August 16, 2022.
Here are some of the images of my progress: