Can you give suggestions on how best to approach the coloring of mandalas?
- Color a section at a time per coloring session (15-20 minutes a day works well)
- Prior to coloring, set an intention of what you want to experience or what guidance you wish to receive at this time while coloring.
- As you color, pay attention to any thoughts that seem to come from beyond your own thoughts. These tend to come from your higher self, your subconscious, your guides and angels…whatever resonates best with you. For example, while coloring a mandala using version #1 below, the color scheme was becoming quite wild. I remember saying to myself “what if people don’t like the colors I’m using” to which this OTHER voice said “let them color their own”. It was from that other voice that I received my inspiration for creating the mandala coloring books.
- Use your coloring time as an active meditation. Play your favorite meditation music. Clear the space where you’ll be coloring. Take 2-3 deep breaths before starting. When done, take 2-3 deep breaths in gratitude for taking the time to color.
- Let go of the outcome of your coloring. Focus more on the process of coloring versus trying to create a work of art. If after you’re done you really like how it turned out, then that’s just icing on the cake…otherwise you can just recycle it.
What colors should I use?
Focus more on contrasts versus color…ie: lights and darks. put light colors next to darks and vice versa. Putting a dark color next to a lighter color, makes the lighter color brighter. Putting a lighter color next to a darker color, makes the dark section appear to recede, giving it depth.
Use your intuition – version #1:
- place all your colors (pencils, crayons, markers, etc) in full view so you can see all of your colors at once.
- pick an area of the mandala you want to color
- look over at your colors, use the color that jumps out at you the most
- repeat steps 2-3 until your ready to stop for the day
Use your intuition – version #2:
- place all your colors (pencils, crayons, markers, etc) within reach but out of direct view
- pick an area of the mandala you want to color
- without looking, grab a color and go with the color you picked…trust it. If the inner critic appears, acknowledge it by saying “I hear what you’re saying and I’m going to use this color anyway.”
- repeat steps 2-3 until your ready to stop for the day
What do you recommend we color these with?
Best to use dry media, such as:
- crayons
- color pencils
- pastel pencils (or pastels)
Good Alternatives:
- gel pens (sakura brand works well)
- scrapbook quality markers (non-bleeding): HOWEVER just put a light layer of color down at a time. Let it dry before adding another layer of color. Too much color all at once will make the paper pulpy.