Focus on the first image (the before). Get grounded, take some deep breaths, and then determine a situation in your life in which you would like some insight and/or guidance.
For this spread I pulled three cards from the “Fire” element Mandala Oracle deck. The spread positions are:
- Situation
- Action
- Outcome
When you’re ready look at reveal…
Situation: Interconnectedness — everything and everyone in interconnected
Action: Projection — how can you see this differently
Outcome: Memories — what are you creating now as memories for your future self?
The Interpretation
Disclaimer: for enlightenment and entertainment purposes only
We are being guided to step back away from the situation as it sits with us right now…to gain a broader perspective. From this position of observation, we are reminded that we are all interconnected…we are all part of the one. So whatever issues we have with this situation, it’s all part of the bigger whole…that we are ultimately all in this together.
To help us gain this broader perspective, we can ask our Team of Guides and Angels to help us see this whole situation differently…in this case…help us to see the interconnectedness of us all as it relates to this situation. Ask to be given a clear message, sign, or symbol that answers our question.
From this new-to-us perspective, we can then create a positive, uplifting, and/or amazing memory of this situation that our future selves will treasure for years to come.
I hope you find today’s spread helpful…or at the very least…fun.
Many blessings,
The Mandala Lady
—bringing sanity to an insane world through the art of mandalas—
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