Focus on the first image (the before). Get grounded, take some deep breaths, and then determine a situation in your life in which you would like some insight and/or guidance.
For this spread I pulled three cards from the “Earth” element Mandala Oracle deck. The spread positions are:
- Situation
- Action
- Outcome
When you’re ready look at reveal…
Situation: Mis-Takes — celebrate mis-takes
Action: Web — when connecting with others, start with kindness
Outcome: Sprinkle — …your sparkle everywhere
The Interpretation
Disclaimer: for enlightenment and entertainment purposes only
In our current situation, mis-takes will be made; especially if we’re in the beginning stages of doing something new-to-us. Quite simply: mis-takes are just feedback…neither negative nor positive…just valuable pieces of information. It’s with this information we can stay on course or make course corrections.
Our challenge becomes silencing our inner critic who may want to take over with deprecating chatter. If it does show up, thank it for sharing, tell it to go on its merry way, and instead extend some self kindness.
It might help us to think of ourselves as scientists in our situation, running experiments, testing new theories, seeing which ones are go or no-go.
From this place of observation, experimentation, and self kindness, we give ourselves a greater opportunity to make the most of this situation, thus allowing our Light to authentically shine through.
I hope you find today’s spread helpful…or at the very least…fun.
Many blessings,
The Mandala Lady
—bringing sanity to an insane world through the art of mandalas—
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