Intuition Tuesday — May 21, 2024

three cards from the “water” deck are face down.

Let your intuition pick a card. I set the intention for us to receive whatever message is in our best interest to receive today.

Which one of these “Water” cards feels like it has the message you need to know today. I’m feeling pulled to number 1.

Later today I’ll update this post with the reveal.


three cards turned over. 1. abstract earthy background, with browns, yellows, and greens. On top is draw in white ink, an abstract plant with leaves that float like balloons. 2. Abstract background of pinks, purples, and white. On top in black ink, is a circle with a mushroom-like shape in the center. Inside and around the circle is a cluster of tiny circles that start spreading out thinly to the card’s edge. the “petals” around the circle resemble an octopus when its tentacles are spread out wide. 3. abstract background of light yellows, oranges, and white. On top in black ink is an abstract flower whose petals look like ceiling fan paddles..with each circular row, the petals grow in size.

The Reveal

  1. Nobel: treat everything you do from a place of honor.
    In our day-to-day lives, we tend to overlook just how amazing it is that we’re alive and living on this planet. We’re only here for a short time. We’re encouraged in whatever we do and with whatever we have to respect it and honor it…in the process, we learn the value of respecting and honoring ourselves.
  2. Mysterious: tap into a Higher Vibration for insights and guidance.
    We tend to rely heavily on our brains to figure things out…thus forgetting that we each have a Team of Guides and Angels to help us…they have a much grander view point than we do. Like the repeated theme in the movie “Shakespeare in Love” when that one guy keeps saying “it’s all going to work out”… another person says “how”, to which the first guy replies: “I don’t know…it’s a mystery”.
  3. Release: release the veils that block.
    In “A Course in Miracles”, throughout its text, it tells us to treat whatever is keeping us from moving forward and living from our higher self as if they are veils that can easily be moved aside to let us pass through. The use of the word “block” makes it feel like it’s something heavy and concrete. Using the “veil” analogy reminds us how simple it is to change our minds about who and what we are. 

I hope you find today’s spread helpful.

Many Blessings,

The Mandala Lady

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