I set the intention for us to receive deeper insight and guidance that’s in our best interest to receive at this time.
First, here’s what each position means:
- What am I seeing?
- What am I NOT seeing?
- The possible outcome
- The action I’m being called to take
I used the “Metal” Mandala Oracle Deck. Here are the cards in today’s spread:
- Open Heart: be willing to open your heart.
- Endurance: be willing to go the long haul.
- Delicate: be kind to others and yourself
- Spirals: we progress in spirals
DISCLAIMER: for enlightenment and entertainment purposes only 💜
We are encouraged to find out what our heart truly wants AND to be open to what it has to say. Take a moment right now to focus on your heart center. Breathe into it. Ask it what it wants…then listen.
Know that our hearts, figuratively and literally, are here for us for the long haul, supporting us, keeping us alive in more ways than obvious. And more than anything our hearts want us to be happy. In return all it wants is from us is to treat it with kindness.
The more we coexist with our heart center, the more we evolve along our earthly journey. And rather than going in circles, we’re now growing expansively, appearing to return to the same spot but now from a higher elevation with each rotation.
I hope you find today’s spread helpful…or at the very least, fun.
Many Blessings,
The Mandala Lady
*During Rebecca Campbell’s recent “Oracle Card Challenge” she taught us this “Well of Wisdom” 4-card spread.
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