Well of Wisdom — July 24, 2024

I set the intention for us to receive deeper insight and guidance that’s in our best interest to receive at this time.

First, here’s what each position means:

  1. What am I seeing?
  2. What am I NOT seeing?
  3. The possible outcome
  4. The action I’m being called to take

I used the “Metal” Mandala Oracle Deck. Here are the cards in today’s spread:

  1. Cycles: we grow and expand in cycles
  2. Free: remove the mental shackles that hold you back
  3. Angel: be open to receiving a message from on high
  4. Lightning: when lightning strikes…take action


DISCLAIMER: for enlightenment and entertainment purposes only 💜

If we were to look back on our life thus far, we would see that we’ve grown in cycles…beginning—middle—end…repeat. So right now what phase of a cycle are we in? Knowing this can help us determine our mindset moving forward.

As part of this process, regardless of our cycle phase, we can focus on releasing anything that may be holding us back from moving forward…to free ourselves from the shackles of our limiting beliefs.

We are encouraged to work with our Team of Guides and Angels by asking them for help and then being on the look-out for their insights which will likely show up in the form of symbols, answers from unexpected places, dreams, and so on.

We are also encouraged to take some form of action in response to the insights gained, as soon as possible. At the very least, write it down in whatever format suits you, as acknowledgment of receiving the insight. By doing that we’re taking the first step towards bringing that energy into form.

I hope you find today’s spread helpful…or at the very least, fun.

Many Blessings,


Maureen, The Mandala Lady

— bringing sanity to an insane world through the art of mandalas —

*During Rebecca Campbell’s recent “Oracle Card Challenge” she taught us this “Well of Wisdom” 4-card spread.

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