Focus on the first image (the before). Get grounded, take some deep breaths, and then determine a situation in your life in which you would like some insight and/or guidance.
For this spread I pulled three cards from the “Water” element Mandala Oracle deck. The spread positions are:
- Situation
- Action
- Outcome
When you’re ready look at reveal…
Situation: Release — release the veils that block
Action: Whirlpool — swirl and dance with the flow
Outcome: Inspire — be inspiring
The Interpretation
Disclaimer: for enlightenment and entertainment purposes only
The “situation” requires that we let go of whatever is blocking us from moving past it or moving forward with it. Which raises the age old question…How? How do we “let go”? One way: We ask it to tell us.
We start by putting ourselves into a grounded, centered, “observer-mode” state…however that works best for us (coloring, meditating, deep conscious breathing, being in nature, etc.).
Next set an intention to connect with the energy of the “situation”. Then ask to receive insight about it and whatever the block(s) is, and then how best to release it.
Just allow the information to come forward in whatever way it shows up…go with the flow of it. It could be the insight comes later via a synchronistic encounter, a dream, or we hear/see/read something that directly relates to the “situation”.
Our challenge becomes trusting the inspiration that comes through and then following through with the insight gained.
As we become more confident with letting go of our blocks, we can inspire others to let go of theirs.
I hope you find today’s spread helpful…or at the very least…fun.
Many blessings,
The Mandala Lady
—bringing sanity to an insane world through the art of mandalas—
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