Well of Wisdom Wednesday — June 26, 2024

four fire mandala oracle cards face up. card 1) abstract background of warm colors of red, orange, yellow, green, and brown. on top in white ink is a spiderweb-like mandala, with the center of it being to the right and just below vertical center. card 2) abstract background of varying shades of purple (from light to dark). on top in white ink is draw a small section of an implied very large mandala. we see portions of seven different rows, each with their own patterns yet all connected. card 3) abstract background of white, yellow, orange, and pink. on top in black ink is the impression of looking dow a spiral staircase. at the “bottom” is what looks to be a portion of a quilt with patches of “cloth” with different patterns. card 4) abstract background of varying shades of purple, with some light blue and off-white cloud-like blobs. several things are happening on top in white ink. Almost center is a circle drawn around a dark purple blob in the background, making it look like a black hole. in the foreground, at the bottom is what looks like the surface of an ice planet. between the “black hole” and the planet surface we see this vortex-type structure…like looking down at a hurricane. then sweeping from the upper right down to the middle left, white lines give the illusion of sweeping snow or rain caught in lights. lots of energy in this card.

DISCLAIMER: for enlightenment and entertainment purposes only 💜

I set the intention for us to receive deeper insight and guidance that’s in our best interest to receive at this time.

First, here’s what each position means:

  1. What am I seeing?
  2. What am I NOT seeing?
  3. The possible outcome
  4. The action I’m being called to take

I used the “Fire” Mandala Oracle Deck. Here are the cards in today’s spread:

  1. Radar: practice awareness beyond your five senses.
  2. Symbols: pay attention to the symbols
  3. Levels: there’s more to each of us than meets the eye.
  4. Sourceremove the internal blocks to unveil your true self.


We already know that it’s in our best interest to use our gut, our intuition more. We can do this in multiple ways. With today’s reading we’re encouraged to pay closer attention to the symbols (“coincidences”, synchronicities, dreams, patterned numbers, finding coins and/or feathers, and the like) that show up in our day-to-day lives. Trust that we’re more likely to receive answers in symbolic form rather than in any other form.

When we have these symbolic experiences, we’re also encouraged to pay attention to what we were doing, thinking, or saying at that time…that will help fine-tune the symbol’s meaning. Most likely there’s more to them than just the symbol itself. We could even take it a step further to determine who is the source of these symbols…each source may use different symbols. For instance, my dad shows up as pennies, while my mom shows up as dimes.

The more we tune into these symbols and their meanings, the more connected we become with their source along with increasing our intuition’s ability to recognize and interpret these symbols more accurately.

I hope you find today’s spread helpful…or at the very least, fun.

Many Blessings,

The Mandala Lady

*During Rebecca Campbell’s recent “Oracle Card Challenge” she taught us this “Well of Wisdom” 4-card spread.

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