Focus on the first image (the before). Get grounded, take some deep breaths, and then determine a situation in your life in which you would like some insight and/or guidance.
For this spread I pulled three cards from the “Earth” element Mandala Oracle deck. The spread positions are:
- Situation
- Action
- Outcome
When you’re ready look at reveal…
Situation: The Elements — connect with the elements
Action: Majestic — embrace the majestic being that you are
Outcome: Pathways — all pathways lead to your destination
The Interpretation
Disclaimer: for enlightenment and entertainment purposes only
First, let’s get down to the basics of the situation. What are the known knowns? What are the facts of the situation? Look at it from all directions and levels.
Now, embrace the concept that you/me (we) are majestic (spiritual) beings having this human experience via this situation. Know it. Feel it. Breathe into it. Why? Because from this higher vantage point, we have a broader perspective, giving us an optimal view of our options.
From this higher vantage point, the choice is almost irrelevant because all pathways lead to where we want to go and where we want to be. So here’s where free will comes in. The choice really comes down to which one appeals to us the most in this moment. Maybe with this situation we want to take the easy route, or maybe we want the more challenging one, or the funnest one, or the boring-est one, or the one with the most uncertainty…it’s our call to make.
I hope you find today’s spread helpful…or at the very least…fun.
Many blessings,
The Mandala Lady
#mandala #Mandalaart #mandalaartist #themandalalady #mandalaoracle #oracledeck #oraclecards #theelements #thebasics #majestic #pathways #destination