Let your intuition pick a card. I set the intention for us to receive whatever message is in our best interest to receive today.
Which one of these “Wood” Mandala Oracle cards feels like it has the message you need to know today. I’m feeling pulled towards number 2.
The Reveal
- Vision: how you see the world is how you experience it.
If you choose to see the world as scary, then that’s how you’ll see it and experience. If you choose see the world as paradise, then that’s how you’ll see it and experience it. You know this. If you’re thinking about red cars, what color cars to you end up seeing all day? Essentially, we’ll see what you wanna see. - Adapt: know that you can adapt to change.
What change have you been putting off making? For whatever reason, you’ve decided that you’d rather put up with the way things are than change…because change represents uncertainty. What if things get worse? What if they actually get better? Here’s the cool thing…regardless, you can always choose to change again. - Deep: dig deep within.
Stop looking outside of yourself for answers. Yes, it’s good to receive outside counsel from family, friends, therapists, counselors, and so on…and yet, ultimately, it’s up to you to go deep within to unveil the answers you seek.
I hope you find today’s spread helpful…or at the very least…fun
Many Blessings,
The Mandala Lady
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