Let your intuition pick a card. I set the intention for us to receive whatever message is in our best interest to know today.
Which one of these “Metal” Mandala Oracle cards feels like it has a message for you. I’m feeling pulled towards number 3.
Later today I’ll update this post with the reveal and interpretation.
The Reveal
Disclaimer: for entertainment and enlightenment purposes only.
- Moonglow: let your Inner Light shine with a soft glow
We’re being given permission to shine our Light, which essentially means, being true to ourselves when out and about. While it’s true, that not everyone will be open to receiving your Light or even appreciating it, it’s okay because on some level…they do…it’s just that right now they lack the proper “vision” to see it. - Delicate: be kind to others and to yourself
For today, be especially extra kind to YOURSELF…in whatever way that means to you. If that means telling others “no”, which may come across as “unkind” to them…it’s okay. Sometimes saying “no” is the kindest thing you can do for yourself. The important point is offering yourself some kindness. You deserve it. - Whisper: tune into your Inner Voice
Hey! Get out of your head! Hardly a whisper, I know but sometimes we need to YELL at the noise in our head in order for it to hear us and quiet down…thus allowing us to hear the delicate whisper of our Inner Voice. This quiet voice is there to remind us that we’re not alone and that they are on our side…to help us. Listen!
I hope you find today’s spread helpful…or at the very least…fun.
Many Blessings,
The Mandala Lady
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