Well of Wisdom Wednesday — May 15, 2024

DISCLAIMER: for enlightenment and entertainment purposes only 💜

I set the intention for us to receive deeper insight and guidance that’s in our best interest to receive at this time.

First, here’s what each position means:

  1. What am I seeing?
  2. What am I NOT seeing?
  3. The possible outcome
  4. The action I’m being called to take

I used the “Wood” Mandala Oracle Deck. Here’s out it turned out.

Cards that are in today’s spread:

  1. Water Drops: actualize our individuality while being part of the collective
  2. Experience: everything is an opportunity for a new experience
  3. Strength: we all have access to our Divine Inner Strength
  4. Pearls: turn your sufferings into Pearls of Wisdom


In the process of maintaining our individuality while also being part of the greater whole, whatever comes up, be on the lookout for opportunities for new growth vs looking for where something could go “wrong”.

One way to change our outlook to positive is to tap into our inner strength…we all have it. I like to use the mantra “I choose Power” with the intention of connecting with my inner power source through the solar plexus energy center. When I use it, it feels like I put myself in a neutral mindset, like an observer, which allows me to more clearly see what does or doesn’t need to happen, in any given situation.

What on the outside may look like it is/was a “bad” experience, seek out the Pearls of Wisdom gain in the process. For instance I have a friend who recently went through a frustrating and exasperating experience. Looking back on how it played out, she’s gained insight into what happened, how it happened, her part in it, and how best to grow from it.

While not every experience has to be so aggravating in order to gain Pearls of Wisdom…some times “tough” experiences speed up our growth. Or, it could be that the Universe has tried subtler approaches without any results from us, so It resorted to something with a little more impact to get our attention.

I hope you found today’s spread helpful.

Many Blessings,

The Mandala Lady

*During Rebecca Campbell’s recent “Oracle Card Challenge” she taught us this “Well of Wisdom” 4-card spread.

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