Situation Saturday — May 25, 2024

Focus on the first image (the before). Get grounded, take some deep breaths, and then determine a situation in your life in which you would like some insight.

For this spread I pulled three cards from the “Metal” element Mandala Oracle deck. The spread positions are:

  1. Situation
  2. Action
  3. Outcome

When you’re ready, view the second image
and read the interpretation.

Disclaimer: for enlightenment and entertainment purposes only


Situation: Lovableyou are lovable

Action: Goldexplore the wealth of your inner treasure

Outcome: Curiositybe curious…about everything

Regardless of the situation, it’s vital for us to know that we are lovable…even if things appear differently. At our soul level, we are lovable.

We are also worthy…even if it takes digging deeper within than we’ve ever gone before, we are worthy of being lovable. Time to dig for that gold.

This situation is offering us an opportunity to work through some powerful stuff. While it may seem scary, terrifying even, we are encouraged to venture forth with an attitude of objective curiosity.

With each unraveling, rather than judge or criticize, go with the mindset of: “Oh…this is interesting”. You could even treat it like it’s an experiment…nothing is neither right or wrong, good nor bad…it just is. From there we can make major progress.

I hope you found today’s spread helpful.

Many blessings,

The Mandala Lady

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